The Beatles- Should they have reunited???

I'm pondering this question while watching and listening to Beatles videos on You Tube.   I guess you could also add "could they have reunited" to this equation.   Lets deal with that question first.

Yes I believe The Beatles could have reunited.  This is based on the fact that if you look at 1973 and 1974, they were all playing together - just not all 4 at the same time, which indicates that the rancor of the early 70s had subsided quite a bit.    And I hate to say this but I believe its true - if John Lennon stays with May Pang they would have reunited.   It was Lennon's intention to join McCartney during the "Venus and Mars" sessions.    Ringo had remained friends with all of them - and I believe, probably with a little pushing, George Harrison would've jumped on the bandwagon as well.    1974 or 1975 would have been the time to do it.  Unfortunately, Lennon went back with Yoko Ono and any momentum for a reunion died after that.  I think, kind of in a subliminal way, Ono viewed Paul as a rival for Johns attention and circumvented them from getting back together.  Lennon became convinced he couldn't survive without Ono.    And as we know, he went into musical hiatus and seclusion after his reunion with Ono.    Any Beatle reunion hopes pretty much died after that.

Which brings us to the next question - should they have reunited?   I say no.   The reason why is very simple.  The clamor for a Beatle reunion during the 70s was outlandish.   At one point a promoter, Sid Bernstein, reportedly offered them 230 million dollars just to do one show.   I believe that even if The Beatles got back together, worked on it, and got to a place where they actually were The Beatles again,  anything they came up with would not be good enough.   I don't think there would be any way they could completely satisfy people -no matter what they did.   So,  I believe a reunion ultimately would have been a disappointment.   That's not a knock on The Beatles, its just the reality of knowing that the expectations would have been too high, literally impossible to reach.    All 4 Beatles have told varying stories of why they never reunited.  However, I believe what I have just said is the real reason they never did - and good for them, they left on top.

It sure is an interesting topic to broach.  I'd love to hear what other people think.....


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