
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Beatles- Should they have reunited???

I'm pondering this question while watching and listening to Beatles videos on You Tube.   I guess you could also add "could they have reunited" to this equation.   Lets deal with that question first. Yes I believe The Beatles could have reunited.  This is based on the fact that if you look at 1973 and 1974, they were all playing together - just not all 4 at the same time, which indicates that the rancor of the early 70s had subsided quite a bit.    And I hate to say this but I believe its true - if John Lennon stays with May Pang they would have reunited.   It was Lennon's intention to join McCartney during the "Venus and Mars" sessions.    Ringo had remained friends with all of them - and I believe, probably with a little pushing, George Harrison would've jumped on the bandwagon as well.    1974 or 1975 would have been the time to do it.  Unfortunately, Lennon went back with Yoko Ono and any momentum for a reunion died after that.  I think, kind of i

True Crime - Cases that Interest Me

There are certainly a lot of people who are fans of true crime.  So many cases to look at and study.  It is of interest to me as well - however  there are only 5 cases that I spent a lot of time studying.   These are cases I've spent hours and hours studying.  What I enjoy doing is trying to put all the pieces together.  No matter what happened in real life in terms of the legal outcomes,  I try to make all the details of a crime fit so that I can come up with a sensible rationale as to what happened.   Having said that - here are the 5 cases I studied.  In each I will post my conclusion: 1. Pamela Smart Conclusion:  She manipulated that young boy into murdering her husband.  She denies it but I don't believe her.  Only question in that case is whether her punishment (life without parole) is too severe.  IMO,  yes it is. 2. OJ Simpson Conclusion:  He killed Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown and he killed them by himself.   No one else was involved. 3. JFK Assassination C

Music by decade

I was thinking this morning about music.  Having been born in 1965  I've been exposed to so much of it.  I was a baby but still have faint memories of The Beatles when they were active in the 1960s.   Grew up and became a teenager in the 1970s.   Was part of the MTV generation in the 1980s.  Was young and at my peak for the grunge movement of the early to mid 90s.   By the late 90s started losing interest in new music.  So, I'm thinking today,  was losing interest in new music simply because of getting older?  Or was it that the music of the last 20 years simply hasn't been that good?  It's really up to personal interpretation.    Here is mine: 1960s -  There is some good stuff here and there but by and large, The Beatles were way ahead of everyone else. Their music has aged well. 1970s - To me, this is the decade that produced the best music by far.  There is just so much great music that came out of that decade.     Most of it still sounds good today. 1980s - Th

Best actress by decade

I was thinking the other day.  Who are the best actresses?  There are some obvious choices but what if you tried to do it this way:  Name the actress that is the best based on the decade that they started making movies in.   Plus it would have to be an actress that has made movies in every decade following the decade they started in all the way up to now.  And mind you, it must be movies - if they just did television it doesn't count.   Here is what I came up with: 1950s - Shirley MacLaine 1960s - Helen Mirren 1970s - Meryl Streep 1980s - Annette Bening 1990s - Julianne Moore 2000s - Jennifer Lawrence 2010s - Tough to say.  Probably Hailee Steinfeld. Other takes are most welcome......