Music by decade

I was thinking this morning about music.  Having been born in 1965  I've been exposed to so much of it.  I was a baby but still have faint memories of The Beatles when they were active in the 1960s.   Grew up and became a teenager in the 1970s.   Was part of the MTV generation in the 1980s.  Was young and at my peak for the grunge movement of the early to mid 90s.   By the late 90s started losing interest in new music.  So, I'm thinking today,  was losing interest in new music simply because of getting older?  Or was it that the music of the last 20 years simply hasn't been that good?  It's really up to personal interpretation.    Here is mine:

1960s -  There is some good stuff here and there but by and large, The Beatles were way ahead of everyone else. Their music has aged well.

1970s - To me, this is the decade that produced the best music by far.  There is just so much great music that came out of that decade.     Most of it still sounds good today.

1980s - This is music I loved when it first came out.  Loved MTV.  The videos, the artists, all of it.  However, looking back today, a good 70-80% of 1980s music sounds absolutely absurd to me now.

1990s - I didn't care for much of the Seattle grunge movement other than Nirvana.  Nirvana still sounds good to me today.  There is some other stuff from the 1990s that has aged well.  Some good stuff did come out in that decade.  Doesn't compare to the 1970s though IMO.

2000s-today - Well, I'm clueless here.  There have been maybe 5 or 6 songs total that I have liked in this entire time period.  It certainly is possible that some terrific music came out during this time and I just missed it because I wasn't paying attention.

I'd certainly like to hear what other people think.......


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